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Revoke Deploy Token

If a deploy token is compromised or you don’t need it anymore, you can revoke it. This will make the token invalid and it can’t be used anymore to deploy containers.

Steps to revoke a deploy token

To open the CLI, run the following command:

Terminal window
docker exec -it docker-deploy-api cli

Then select the option “Revoke a Deploy Toke” and press enter. After that the wizard asks you to paste the deploy token you want to revoke. If the token is valid, not expired and not already revoked, it will be revoked and you will get a success message. After that you need to restart the Docker Deploy API container for this to take effect.

Terminal window
🐳 Docker Deploy CLI by Timo Kössler
What do you want to do? · Revoke a Deploy Token
Please paste or enter the token you want to revoke · v4.public.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
Token successfully revoked. You need to restart the Docker Deploy API container for this to take effect

Technical Details

The Docker Deploy API stores a sha512 hash of the revoked tokens in a file called revoked-tokens.json in the /data directory.