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The following table lists all available configuration options. All options are optional and are passed to the application as environment variables. You can easily set them in the docker-compose.yml file.

VariableDefault ValueDescription
URLhttp://localhost:3000The public URL of the application, used for generating absolute URLs.
SENTRY_DSN The DSN of the Sentry instance to use for error reporting.
DISABLE_INDEX_PAGEfalseWhether to disable the index page.
WORKERS1The number of worker processes to spawn.
SCRIPT_TIMEOUT300The timeout in seconds used in the bash and PowerShell script.
PORT3000The port the application should listen on inside the container.
BEHIND_PROXYtrueWhether the application is running behind a reverse proxy. Relevant for determining the client’s IP address.
IP0.0.0.0The IP address the application should listen on inside the container.